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353 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Early body composition changes, associated with physical inactivity and disease advancement are devastating for patient-related outcomes in predialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD), thus warranting a detailed analysis of body composition beyond conventional measures.Methods:The study included 40 subjects diagnosed with CKD; recruited between January to May 2021. Body composition was measured using the multifrequency analyzer, InBody 770. International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form was used to assess physical activity. Suitable statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 21.0.Results:The mean age of the subjects was 58.68 ± 12.24 years. Sarcopenic obesity was prevalent in 62.5% of the subjects. Body mass index under identified obesity by 15% compared to percent body fat, especially in subjects with low muscle mass. The decline in a unit of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) significantly correlated with a decrease in weight (p = 0.02), body fat mass (p = 0.05), visceral fat area (p = 0.05), and phase angle (p = 0.01) with marginal changes in waist–hip ratio and extracellular water/total body water. The effect of physical activity on skeletal muscle mass was homogeneous between low and moderate levels, but significantly different from high activity level.Conclusion:Changes in fat and fluid compartment were associated with eGFR decline, whereas higher physical activity positively affected body composition.

  • 标签: body composition electric impedance exercise glomerular filtration rate malnutrition
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) remains a serious health threat worldwide. We aimed to investigate whether low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) can promote organ function recovery in moderate Covid-19 pneumonia patients.Methods:We initiated an LMWH protocol in Covid-19 patients with increased D-dimer, body mass index >30 kg/m2 or a history of diabetes from January 18, 2020 at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. In this retrospective study, we assigned moderate Covid-19 pneumonia patients admitted between January 18th and April 18, 2020 receiving the LMWH protocol to the LMWH group. Moderate patients who met the inclusion criteria but did not receive LMWH protocol were included in the control group by 1:2 propensity score matching. General clinical information, indicators for renal function, arterial blood gas analyses, arterial blood lactic acid content (mmol/L), and coagulation indexes at 0 day, 3 days, 7 days, and 11 days after admission were recorded and compared between the two groups.Results:There were 41 patients in the LMWH group and 82 patients in the control group. General information in both groups were similar. Compared to the control group, the arterial blood lactic acid content (mmol/L) at day 11 (1.3 [1.1, 1.7] vs. 1.2 [0.9, 1.3], P = 0.016) was reduced in the LMWH group. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in the LMWH group was higher than that in the control group at day 7 (108.54 [89.11, 128.17] vs. 116.85 [103.39, 133.47], P= 0.039) and day 11 (113.74 [94.49, 126.34] vs. 128.31 [112.75, 144.12], P = 0.003). The serum creatinine levels (Scr) in the LMWH group were lower than that in the control group at day 7 (62.13 [51.47, 77.64] vs. 55.49 [49.50, 65.75], P= 0.038) and day 11 (63.35 [50.17, 75.73] vs. 51.62 [44.62, 61.24], P = 0.005).Conclusions:LMWH treatment can reduce arterial blood lactic acid levels and improve eGFR in moderate Covid-19 pneumonia patients. Randomized controlled trials are warranted to further investigate this issue.Trial registration:ChiCTR.org.cn, ChiCTR2000034796.

  • 标签: Arterial blood lactic acid Covid-19 Kidney function LMWH
  • 简介:ThispaperanalyzestheimpactsofurbanizationandunemploymentrateonChina’sdivorceratewiththepaneldataof31Chineseprovincesfrom2000to2011.Thestudymanifestsasfollows.First,thesignificantinfluenceofurbanizationcannotbeobservedontherisingbreakdownsincethelatterisnottheinevitableresultoftheformer.Inthesecondplace,unemploymentratehasasignificantnegativeinfluenceondivorcerate,namely,withtheformerincreasing,thelatterwilldecrease,whichechoestheperspectiveofdivorcecost.Andfinally,thispaperalsofindspositiveeffectsofpercapitafixedinvestment,old-agedependencyrate,averagehouseholdsize,theproportionoffloatingpopulationandpopulationdensity,andnegativecorrelationofaverageeducationattainmentondivorcerate.

  • 简介:Afamilyofclosedsnbalgebras,indexedbyR(thesetofrealnumbers),oftheWickalgebraisconstructed.Fundamentalpropertiesoftilefamilyareshownincludingtheincreasingpropertyandtheright-continuity.Thenotionofadaptednesstothefamilyisdefinedforquantumstochasticprocessesintermsofgeneralizedoperators.Theexistenceanduniquenessofsolutionsadaptedtothefamilyisestablishedforquantumstochasticdifferentialequationsintermsofgeneralizedoperators.

  • 标签: 白噪声 Wick微分代数 筛选法 施瓦兹分布定理 高斯测度
  • 简介:与小铁磁性或顺磁的粒子的低集中清洗气体是为常规过滤的一项困难的任务。一个新其他的过程,磁性的过滤,在这个工作被使用。氧化铁喷雾器被氧化铁粒子的elutriation从由Geldart-C氧化铁粉末和大球形的Geldart-B沙粒子的混合物组成的一张使流体化的床产生。喷雾器借助于由一,二或三个熨斗组成了的一个磁性的过滤器被过滤刺激蹒跚到对方。试验性的安装也包含了一个isokinetic采样系统和一个MicrotracSRA150粒子分析器。为过滤效率的理论表情从考虑对氧化铁粒子起作用的不同力量的一个以前的模型被推出。试验性的过滤效率匹配相当好计算了理论效率。粒子的增加缩放,这被发现,在数字刺激或在更高生产的应用磁场过滤效率直到在一些情况中的100%。在通过磁性的过滤器的所有过滤实验压力落下是很小的。

  • 标签: 氧化铁气溶胶 磁力过滤 磁化炉篦 气体净制 钢铁工业
  • 简介:RapidgrowthprocessingofKDPcrystalswasimprovedbyemployingcontinuousfiltrationtoeliminatebulkdefects.TheperformancesoftheKDPcrystals,includingscatteringdefects,laserdamageresistanceandtransmittance,weremeasuredandanalyzed.Comparedwithrapid-grownKDPwithoutcontinuousfiltration,thetransmittanceinthenearinfraredwasincreasedbyatleast2%,almostallof‘micronsize’defectswereeliminatedand‘sub-micronsize’defectsweredecreasedbyapproximately90%.Laserdamagetestingrevealedthatthelaser-induceddamagethresholds(LIDTs),aswellastheconsistencyoftheLIDTsfromsampletosample,wereimprovedgreatly.Moreover,itidentifiedthat‘micronsize’defectsweretheprecursorswhichinitiatedlaserdamageatrelativelowerlaserfluence(4–6Jcm-2),andtherewasalowercorrelationbetweensmallersizescatteringdefectsandlaserdamageinitiation.TheimprovedconsistencyintheLIDTs,attributedtoeliminationof‘micronsize’defects,andLIDTenhancementoriginatedfromthedecreasedabsorptionoftheKDPcrystals.

  • 简介:Thispaperconsiderstheexistenceandasymptoticestimatesofglobalsolutionsandfinitetimeblowupoflocalsolutionofnon-Newtonfiltrationequationwithspecialmediumvoidofthefollowingform:{ut/|x|^2-△pu=u^q,(x,t)∈Ω×(0,T),u(x,t)=0,(x,t)∈ЭΩ×(0,T),u(x,0)=u0(x),u0(x)≥0,u0(x)全不等于0,where△pu=div(|△↓u|^p-2△↓u),ΩisasmoothboundeddomaininR^N(N≥3),0∈Ω,2

  • 标签: 非牛顿滤波方程 渐近估计 HARDY不等式 非牛顿流体
  • 简介:在这篇论文,一些组Ext_A~(s,t)(Z_p,Z_p)与专业化s和t,第一到5月被计算光谱顺序。然后,我们使用亚当斯光谱在稳定的homotopy证明过滤s+的一个新重要家庭的存在是5的顺序范围π_(p~nq+(s+3)pq+(s+1)q-5)组织被代表的S(直到非零数量)由β_(s+2)b_0h_n∈Ext_A~(s+5,p~nq+(s+3)pq+(s+1)q+s)(Z_p,Z_p)在亚当斯光谱,定序5是的p≥一个素数,n≥3,0≤s

  • 标签: 球面 稳定同伦 非平凡积 σ域流
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Glomerular disease is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease globally. No scoping review reports have focused on China's spectrum of glomerular diseases in children. This study aimed to systematically identify and describe retrospective studies on pediatric glomerular disease based on available data on sex, age, study period, and region.Methods:Six databases were systematically searched for relevant studies from initiation to December 2021 in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Global Health Library, Wangfang Database, and CNKI.Results:Thirty-four studies were identified in the scoping review, including 40,430 patients with biopsy-proven diagnoses. The proportion of boys was significantly higher than that of girls. In this study, 28,280 (70%) cases were primary glomerular disease, 10,547 (26.1%) cases were diagnosed as secondary glomerular disease, and 1146 (2.8%) cases were hereditary glomerular disease. Minimal change disease is the most common glomerular disease among children in China, followed by mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, and purpura nephritis. We observed increments in glomerular diseases in periods 2 (2001–2010) and 3 (2011–2021). The proportion of major glomerular diseases varies significantly in the different regions of China.Conclusion:The spectrum of pediatric glomerular diseases varied across sex, age groups, study periods, and regions, and has changed considerably over the past 30 years.

  • 标签: child and adolescent China glomerular disease kidney glomerulus renal biopsy
  • 简介:这研究被奉献给磁性的过滤和方法的不同特征的解释这些特征影响重要过滤参数。在毛孔和磁性的粒子和包装的床的磁化性质上的这些地的力量效果的磁场铁磁性的范围创作了,金属薄片被评估。累积的侧面和粒子的俘获区域,在这些区域和粒子俘获半径的分析表情的液体速度的变化被介绍。磁性的过滤器性能上的过滤政体参数的效果被调查。一个分析表达式在过滤速度,过滤器元素的几何学,粒子尺寸和过滤的另外的参数上为对数的效率系数的依赖被获得了。磁性的过滤过程的静止、非静止的方程被给。磁性的过滤器性能的一个表达式被显示出,无尺寸的参数从过滤系统获得了。这些关系为在设计实践的计算是有用的,包括过滤器操作的磁性的过滤器,在建设的建议的预备,和优化和控制的设计。

  • 标签: 磁化颗粒床 磁力过滤 基本原理 过滤器性能