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  • 简介:AbstractProsthetic infection is one of the severe postoperative complications of arthroplasty. Mixed bacterial-fungal prosthetic infection is rare but can be disastrous. This case was a 76-year-old female suffered from prosthetic infection following total hip replacement due to femoral neck fracture and underwent multiple debridements. The culture of periprosthetic tissue was bacteriologically sterile following the first debridement, while the Staphylococcus hominis was identified in the second debridement in the previous hospitalization where fungal infection had not been considered. Thus the pathogen spectrum of anti-infection therapy failed to contain fungus. Ultimately, the culture result of our sampled periprosthetic tissue during the third debridement was Candida albicans without bacterium in our hospital. The fungal prosthetic infection was successfully treated by a two-stage revision with antifungal drugs. Accurate diagnosis and standardized treatment is the key to the therapy of infection after hip arthroplasty, especially for mixed bacterial-fungal prosthetic infection.

  • 标签: Candida albicans Staphylococcus hominis Prosthesis-related infections Arthroplasty Hip
  • 简介:AbstractSevere fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) was first detected in China in 2009. The incidence of SFTS increases year by year, and there is no effective treatment. Considering that the reported prevalence of SFTSV infection varies from region to region, we aimed to quantitatively evaluate the epidemic characteristics of SFTSV infection in China from 2010 to 2020, including the distribution differences in infectious season, sex, age, occupation, and region. A meta-analysis framework was used to search for the related published data with keywords in electronic databases (CNKI, WanFang, CBM, and PubMed). According to the PRISMA statement, the studies that included SFTS diagnosed in China were analyzed. Furthermore, we used Revman and Stata to merge statistical effects, and used I2 and P-values for heterogeneity test and quality assessment. Eleven studies containing 4,932 cases confirmed by SFTSV infection were included in this meta-analysis. The ratio of male-to-female is 1.04 to 1. Cases were concentrated between 40 and 80 years of age (MD = 92%, 95%CI: 91%-93%). Farmers are at the highest risk of SFTSV infection (MD = 84%, 95%CI: 77%-90%). The risk of infection for consecutive period of April-August was significantly higher than the sum of the remaining months (MD = 82%, 95%CI: 78%-85%). In addition, the patient has an extensive history of exposure, including living in the mountains, exposure to ticks, livestock, mouse and the patient. We came to the conclusion that SFTSV is transmitted primarily through tick bites in China, so middle-aged and older adults living in mountains regions are at the highest risk for SFTSV infection in April through August each year.

  • 标签: Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome Epidemiology China Meta-analysis
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Coronavirus can cross the species barrier and infect humans with a severe respiratory syndrome. SARS-CoV-2 with potential origin of bat is still circulating in China. In this study, a prediction model is proposed to evaluate the infection risk of non-human-origin coronavirus for early warning.Methods:The spike protein sequences of 2666 coronaviruses were collected from 2019 Novel Coronavirus Resource (2019nCoVR) Database of China National Genomics Data Center on Jan 29, 2020. A total of 507 human-origin viruses were regarded as positive samples, whereas 2159 non-human-origin viruses were regarded as negative. To capture the key information of the spike protein, three feature encoding algorithms (amino acid composition, AAC; parallel correlation-based pseudo-amino-acid composition, PC-PseAAC and G-gap dipeptide composition, GGAP) were used to train 41 random forest models. The optimal feature with the best performance was identified by the multidimensional scaling method, which was used to explore the pattern of human coronavirus.Results:The 10-fold cross-validation results showed that well performance was achieved with the use of the GGAP (g = 3) feature. The predictive model achieved the maximum ACC of 98.18% coupled with the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) of 0.9638. Seven clusters for human coronaviruses (229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2) were found. The cluster for SARS-CoV-2 was very close to that for SARS-CoV, which suggests that both of viruses have the same human receptor (angiotensin converting enzyme II). The big gap in the distance curve suggests that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is not clear and further surveillance in the field should be made continuously. The smooth distance curve for SARS-CoV suggests that its close relatives still exist in nature and public health is challenged as usual.Conclusions:The optimal feature (GGAP, g = 3) performed well in terms of predicting infection risk and could be used to explore the evolutionary dynamic in a simple, fast and large-scale manner. The study may be beneficial for the surveillance of the genome mutation of coronavirus in the field.

  • 标签: Coronavirus Cross-species infection Spike protein Machine learning
  • 简介:AbstractCOVID-19 is known for its magical infectivity, fast transmission and high death toll based on the large number of infected people. From the perspective of the clinical manifestation, autopsy examination and pathophysiology, the essence of COVID-19 should be viewed as a sepsis induced by viral infection, and has the essential characteristics as sepsis induced by other pathogens. Therefore, in addition to etiological and supportive treatment, immunomodulatory therapy is also appropriate to severe COVID-19. Although there is still a lack of consensus on immunotherapy for sepsis so far, relatively rich experiences have been accumulated in the past decades, which will help us in the treatment of severe COVID-19. This article will elaborate immunotherapy of sepsis, though it may not be consistent.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Sepsis Immunomodulatory therapy Immunotherapy Ulinastatin Thymosin a1
  • 简介:AbstractChronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection caused by mother-to-child transmission (MTCT, also known as vertical transmission) during the perinatal period is a major public health problem worldwide. Despite the availability of the combined active-passive immunization with a hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin after birth, about 9% of newborns are still infected with HBV, especially those born to hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-positive mothers. Currently, the management of HBV infection during pregnancy remains controversial. This article briefly reviews the recent advances in the epidemiology of HBV, immunization against it, and management strategies in the third trimester.

  • 标签: Hepatitis B virus Mother-to-child transmission Immunization Antiviral therapy
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  • 简介:男割礼(MC)被报导减少人的乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)在人的流行。然而,功效仍然保持不精确。这研究的目的是进行系统的评论和元分析估计在MC和生殖器的HPV感染和生殖器的肉赘之间的关系。科学的PUBMED,EMBASE,和网从开始被寻找到2015年3月22日。我们识别了30份报纸,包括12149的一个总数割除并且与生殖器的HPV或生殖器的肉赘为割礼的协会被评估的12252个异教的人。与是的人相比,没割除的、割除的人可能有生殖器的HPV流行的显著地减少的机会(机会比率[或]:0.68;95%信心间隔[95%CI]:0.56-0.82)。在MC和新感染的生殖器的HPV获得之间没有重要协会(或:0.99;95%CI:0.62-1.60),生殖器的HPV清理(或:1.38;95%CI:0.96-1.97),并且生殖器的肉赘的流行(或:1.17;95%CI:0.63-2.17)。这元分析建议割礼减少生殖器的HPV感染的流行。然而,没有清楚的证据被发现那割礼与减少的HPV获得被联系,增加的HPV清理,或减少生殖器的肉赘的流行。更多的研究被要求足够地在HPV感染和生殖器的肉赘的流行的获得和清理上评估MC的效果。

  • 标签: 生殖器的肉赘 人的乳头状瘤病毒 男割礼 流行
  • 简介:Aone-year-oldbabygirlwithone-monthhistoryofrecurrentpusfluidexudingfromherleftpreauricularsinusorifice,whofailedmultiplecoursesofsurgicaldrainageoftheabscessandpersistentdebridementforthewound,presentedwithMRSAinfection.Thepatientwastreatedwithlinezolidforthreedays.Herpainandparesthesiaresolved,andC-reactiveproteindecreasedtonormal.

  • 简介:这篇论文建议一个延期依赖者为引擎保证费用得到了控制计划有induction-to-torque延期和外部负担骚乱的闲散速度控制(ISC)。以操作模式的闲散速度的引擎的一个扩充linearization模型基于物理原则和实验数据被开发。在ISC一起提供在骚乱拒绝和ISC,上面的界限被给的多客观的费用功能,它能帮助我们考虑燃料经济和骚乱拒绝性能的另外的表演要求之间的妥协。杆限制被加到靠近环的系统保证状态的集中率。ISC的整个优化答案能在LMI的框架下面被解决。一个商业引擎模型被利用估计控制器的表演。这个模型上的模拟结果给我们看设计控制器能完成需要的性能。

  • 标签: 怠速控制系统 时滞依赖 发动机 保成本控制 延迟 抗干扰性能
  • 简介:Anewmethodforanalyzingdynamicsofcontinuousneuralnetworksisproposed,andthenecessaryconvergenceconditionsforaclassofassociativenetworksareobtained.Basedonthestabilitycriterionandtheequationsofequilibriumsetofthenetwork,synthesisofaclassofassociativeneuralnetworksisgiven.Thestabilitycontrolmodelofasymmetricunstablenetworksissuggested,whichisalsoavalidwayforoptimizationanddynamiccontrolofstableneuralnetworks.

  • 简介:消费者们对容易腐烂的食物的质量给予越来越多的注意,它被存储温度主要影响。这份报纸在温度控制下面为容易腐烂的食物论述一个动态定价模型。为了最大化全部的利润,最佳的价格和存储,温度用Pontryagins最大的原则被获得。一个静态的定价模型被提供与动态的作比较。它被动态政策能比静态的使更多的收入成为的一个数字例子显示出。而且,经理的含意被分析,建议方法的有效性被表明。

  • 标签: 易腐食品 温度控制 动态定价 储存温度 定价模式 最大值原理
  • 简介:Inthispapertheconceptofabsoluteobservabilityofnonlinearcontrolsystemsisadvanced.Differentfromthelineartime-invariantversion,therearedifferentdefinitionsofabsoluteobservabilityfornonlinearcontrolsystems.Twoalgorithmsformaximalabsolutelyobservablesubsystemsaregiven.Correspondingly,therearetworelevantnormalforms.Therelationswiththelargestcontrolledinvariantdistributioncontainedinkerdh,zerodynamicsetc.,arediscussedfromtheviewpointofmaximalabsoluteobservabilities.

  • 简介:Purpose:Thisstudyaimedtoinvestigatewhetherworkloadintensitymodulatesexercise-inducedeffectonreactiontime(RT)performances,andmorespecificallytoclarifywhethercognitivecontrolthatplaysacrucialroleinrapiddecisionmakingisaltered.Methods:FourteenparticipantsperformedaSimonTaskwhilecycling20minatalight(firstventilatorythreshold,VT1e20%),moderate(VT1),orveryhard(VT1t20%)levelofexercise.Results:After15minofcycling,RTsarefasterthanduringthefirst5minofexercise.ThisbenefitdoesnotfluctuatewiththeintensityofexerciseandenlargesasRTlengthens.Despiteanumericaldifferencesuggestingagreaterfacilitationduringmoderateexercise(16ms)thanduringalightexercise(10ms),thebenefitisnotstatisticallydifferent.Interestingly,wedidnotobserveanysignsofworseningonRToronaccuracyduringveryhardexercise.Conclusion:Cognitivecontrolisextremelyrobustandappearsnottobeaffectedbytheintensityofexercise.Theselectiveinhibitionandthebetween-trialsadjustmentsareeffectivefromthebeginningtotheendofexercise,regardlessoftheworkloadoutput.

  • 标签: 运动强度 控制 选择性抑制 诱发作用 反应时间 RT
  • 简介:DespiteextensiveresearchonR-trees,mostoftheproposedschemeshavenotbeenintegratedintoexistingDBMSowingtothelackofprotocolsofconcurrencycontrol.R-linktreeisanacceptabledatastructuretodealwiththisissue,butproblemslikephantomstillexist.Inthispaper,wefocusonaconflictdetectionschemebasedonR-linktreeforcompleteconcurrencycontrol.Anin-memoryoperationcontrollistisdesignedtosuspendconflictingoperations.Themainfeaturesofthisapproachare(1)itcanbeimplementedeasilyanddoesnotneedanyextrainformation;(2)Nodeadlocksareinvolvedinlockingscheme;(3)Non-conflictingoperationsarenotrestricted;and(4)PhantomproblemsinR-linktreeareavoidedthroughbeforehandpredication.Theexperimentresultsshowthatthisschemeiscorrectandgainsbettersystemperformance.

  • 标签: 冲突探测 协作控制 R联接树 幻想 多维数据结构