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500 个结果
  • 简介:<正>患儿男,5个月,住和县县城,1997年6月随具父母在农村居住1个月,回城第3d开始发冷、发热、咳嗽、咳痰。当地医院诊断为“上感”,给予抗炎、对症处理,症状未见好转,体温波动在38~39.8℃之间。转诊,拟“支气管肺炎”而收入院。

  • 标签: 对症处理 疟疾 支气管肺炎 体温 抗炎 农村
  • 简介:There they watch the first sunrise of the new Year.1. This story is about New Year's Eve in ______.A. EuropeB. Europe and Latin Aucerica.C. Four capital cities.D. Three countries.2. The writer thinks New Year's Eve in Rome is _____.A. interestingB. dullC. noisyD. happy3. The number of grapes that must be take. From each bag is _____.A. one B. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen4. People in both Spain and Japan spend the New Year's Eve ____.A. throwing things awayB. eating a special foodC. climbing a mountainD. watching the first sunrise5. People climb Mount Fuji on the New Year's morning to ____.A. look for happinessB. meet their friendsC. enjoy the beauty of natureD. do something strange6. People who hope to gain long life from their New Year's food are the ____.A. JapaneseB. SpanishC. ItaliansD. both A and BLook through the questions first. No. 1,question No. 2 and No. 5 are comprehensive ones.Then browse the article. From the questions and the title you may know that the article is about the festival custom of different countries. The article includes three paragraphs. Each talks of a different place ____ Rome,Madrid and Tokyo.So when you have the first glance over the article

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  • 简介:颈椎术后C5神经根麻痹是指颈脊髓减压术后出现三角肌和/或肱二头肌的麻痹,而不伴有脊髓压迫症状加重的一种并发症.约半数患者有感觉缺失和/或肩部难以处理的疼痛,而另外半数患者只有C5神经根支配区的肌力减弱.大约92%的患者发生在单侧,8%的患者发生在双侧.C5神经根麻痹病例大多数在术后1周内出现,少部分在术后2~4周内出现[1].其他的颈神经根麻痹(C6、C7、C8),可以与C5神经根麻痹合并存在,或单独出现,但其发生率较C5神经根麻痹低得多.多数情况下,颈椎术后的上肢麻痹都有C5神经根受累[2,3].

  • 标签: 颈神经根 麻痹 术后 颈椎 患者 并发症
  • 简介:5-Amino-1,10-phenanthrolineandthreetypesofnew5-substituted1,10-phenanthrolinederivativesbydifferentalkylamides,phen-NHCOR[phen=1,10-phenanthrolineR=CH=CH2;(CH2)nBr,n=1,3-5(CH2)nCH3,n=9--14],weresynthesized.Theywerecharacterizedbymeansofelementalanalyses,infraredspectroscopy,protonnuclearmagneticresonancespectroscopy,andmassspectroscopy.Thesenewcompoundsareimportantligandsortheactivematerialsofruthenium(Ⅱ)electrochemiluminescent(ECL)sensors.

  • 标签: 5-氨基-1 10邻二氮杂菲衍生物 氨基化合物 综合性 特性