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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The End Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy of the World Health Organization highlights the need for patient-centered care and social protection measures that alleviate the financial hardships faced by many TB patients. In China, TB treatments are paid for by earmarked government funds, social health insurance, medical assistance for the poor, and out-of-pocket payments from patients. As part of Phase III of the China-Gates TB project, this paper introduces multi-source financing of TB treatment in the three provinces of China and analyzes the challenges of moving towards universal coverage and its implications of multi-sectoral engagement for TB care.Main text:The new financing policies for TB treatment in the three provinces include increased reimbursement for TB outpatient care, linkage of TB treatment with local poverty alleviation programs, and use of local government funds to cover some costs to reduce out-of-pocket expenses. However, there are several challenges in reducing the financial burdens faced by TB patients. First, medical costs must be contained by reducing the profit-maximizing behaviors of hospitals. Second, treatment for TB and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) is only available at county hospitals and city or provincial hospitals, respectively, and these hospitals have low reimbursement rates and high co-payments. Third, many patients with TB and MDR-TB are at the edge of poverty, and therefore ineligible for medical assistance, which targets extremely poor individuals. In addition, the local governments of less developed provinces often face fiscal difficulties, making it challenging to use of local government funds to provide financial support for TB patients. We suggest that stakeholders at multiple sectors should engage in transparent and responsive communications, coordinate policy developments, and integrate resources to improve the integration of social protection schemes.Conclusions:The Chinese government is examining the establishment of multi-source financing for TB treatment by mobilization of funds from the government and social protection schemes. These efforts require strengthening the cooperation of multiple sectors and improving the accountability of different government agencies. All key stakeholders must take concrete actions in the near future to assure significant progress toward the goal of alleviating the financial burden faced by TB and MDR-TB patients.

  • 标签: Tuberculosis Medical cost Financial protection Universal health coverage Multi-sector engagement China
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The global prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing. The pathogenesis of NAFLD is multifaceted, and the underlying mechanisms are elusive. We conducted data mining analysis to gain a better insight into the disease and to identify the hub genes associated with the progression of NAFLD.Methods:The dataset GSE49541, containing the profile of 40 samples representing mild stages of NAFLD and 32 samples representing advanced stages of NAFLD, was acquired from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified using the R programming language. The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) online tool and Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database were used to perform the enrichment analysis and construct protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, respectively. Subsequently, transcription factor networks and key modules were identified. The hub genes were validated in a mice model of high fat diet (HFD)-induced NAFLD and in cultured HepG2 cells by real-time quantitative PCR.Results:Based on the GSE49541 dataset, 57 DEGs were selected and enriched in chemokine activity and cellular component, including the extracellular region. Twelve transcription factors associated with DEGs were indicated from PPI analysis. Upregulated expression of five hub genes (SOX9, CCL20, CXCL1, CD24, and CHST4), which were identified from the dataset, was also observed in the livers of HFD-induced NAFLD mice and in HepG2 cells exposed to palmitic acid or advanced glycation end products.Conclusion:The hub genes SOX9, CCL20, CXCL1, CD24, and CHST4 are involved in the aggravation of NAFLD. Our results offer new insights into the underlying mechanism of NAFLD progression.

  • 标签: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Fatty liver Computational biology
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This survey was designed to understand the misconceptions about labor epidurals.Methods:This voluntary and anonymous online survey on wenjuan.com was conducted from September 1st, 2015 to January 1st, 2016 via mainly WeChat groups dedicated to perinatal healthcare providers in China. The questionnaire included items inquiring the knowledge and opinions about labor epidural analgesia related to maternal complications, baby safety, and effect on laboring. Incomplete surveys were excluded from the data analysis. The data was presented as percentages and a Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as appreciate, was used to quantitatively compare the results.Results:A total of 1412 respondents completed surveys with 42.9% (606/1412) of them being anesthesiologists, 35.1% (495/1412) being obstetricians, 11.8% (167/1412) being midwives, 3.7% (52/1412) being labor and delivery nurses, and 6.5% (92/1412) being hospital administrators and unspecified. The study revealed a lack of knowledge in labor pain control. Although 82.4% (1164/1412) of respondents were familiar with labor epidural analgesia, 8.9% (126/1412) did not know how it works, and 1.1% (15/1412) never heard it in a multiple-choice question. The three main groups (anesthesiologists, obstetricians, and midwives/labor and delivery nurses) were chosen for comparisons. Opinions among these three groups concerning five questions in the three main concerns were evaluated using a statistical significance of P<0.05.Conclusion:The results in our survey indicated an urgent need of continuing medical education to multidisciplinary specialties to improve evidence-based medical practices as these misconceptions have existed for over 10 years in the medical professionals. Lack of public awareness fueled by misconceptions related to labor epidural analgesia may be associated with a lack of professional knowledge. Correct knowledge in professionals needs to be disseminated to the public in order to dispel possible misconceptions and rumors about labor epidural analgesia. This would not only enhance patient understanding of their care but also improve maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes.

  • 标签: Education medical continuing Labor epidural analgesia Patient awareness Questionnaire
  • 简介:摘要:空调产品结构复杂多样,影响产品核心质量的因素繁多,如何快速准确完整的识别关键因子,并进行精准管控,是产品工艺设计的核心。本文通过应用公差仿真软件进行尺寸链分析,对产品核心质量需求进行深入剖析,引用仿真软件的敏感度,贡献度分析,进而识别出影响产品核心质量的关键因子,并建立关键因素管理体系,为工艺设计与管理提供理论支撑,可以广泛应用到具备结构装配关联性的机械设计与工艺制造等相关领域。提升了产品工艺设计水平,并为产品结构设计优化与生产过程质量控制等指引方向。

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  • 简介:摘要:在发生火灾事故的情况下,除了现场救灾和事故处理外,火灾调查(例如起火原因调查和火灾责任判断)也非常重要。这些任务在实际操作过程中有很多困难,对工作人员专业性要求也比较高我国的火灾调查工作通常无法顺利进行。本文以火灾调查为研究主题,探讨了新形势下的火灾调查工作中存在的问题,并从专业的角度对当前情况进行了分析和提出建议,目的是使火灾调查工作能够顺利开展,提升质量和效率。

  • 标签: 火灾调查 新形势 建议
  • 简介:摘要:不动产权籍调查工作,从字面上就是对不动产进行调查、核实等工作,不仅直接关系到人民群众的切身利益,而且关系到国家土地资源管理的质量和效率。在地籍调查工作的基础上,对各宗地的位置、界线、数量等情况,进行详细、可靠的调查,并以图和簿的形式整理、记录各宗地的资料,以图和簿的形式,对各宗地的位置、界线、数量等进行详细、可靠的调查。有鉴于此,参与不动产权籍调查和地籍调查的部门、单位和人员,应遵照调查的有关规定,并依据有关权籍法规,做好调查工作的管理,以提高调查质量和效率。

  • 标签: 不动产权籍调查 地籍调查 关系
  • 简介:摘要:不动产权籍调查工作,实际上就是对不动产进行测量、确权等调查性的工作,它不仅直接关系到人们的切身利益,而且关系到国家土地资源管理的质量和效率。但地籍调查工作,是在法律依据的支持下,对各宗地的位置、界线、数量等情况,进行详细可靠的调查,并将调查所得的数据资料,以图簿的形式加以整理和记录,为颁发有关的土地使用证明,提供科学依据。有鉴于此,参与不动产权籍调查和地籍调查的部门、单位和人员,都应遵守有关调查规定,并根据权籍有关法律,对调查进行有效管理,以提高调查的质量和效率。

  • 标签: 不动产权籍调查 地籍调查 土地资源管理
  • 简介:[摘 要]火灾事故调查中的调查询问是通过询问的方式调查发生火灾原因的传统方法,是了解掌握火灾相关情况信息的重要途径,是火灾调查人员常用的调查手段,调询效果的好坏直接影响办案质量。本文就调查询问在火灾事故调查中的重要作用、调查过程中怎样避免容易出现的问题、如何提升调查艺术和技巧谈些建议,希望有助于调查人员把握询问规律,做到洞察秋毫,找到揭开火灾事故原因的"突破口"。

  • 标签: [] 火灾调查 线索询问 提问技巧
  • 简介:【摘要】目的:调查一起接种重组乙肝疫苗和A群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗后偶合死亡案例,为今后类似疑似预防接种异常反应的处置提供经验。方法:收集受种方、接种方、疫苗上市许可持有人等相关资料,对患儿接种疫苗后死亡事件进行调查。结果:调查诊断专家组结合现场调查、查阅病历资料和现场询问等方式,确定患儿接种疫苗后出现化脓性脑膜炎、严重脓毒症等疾病与预防接种无明确因果关系,属于偶合症。结论:预防接种前准确把握受种者健康状况及接种禁忌筛查,做到充分询问告知,做好“三查七对一验证”等核心制度,确保接种安全;出现预防接种后疑似预防接种异常反应时,应及时救治,及时报告,配合调查处理,同时做好与家属、媒体的沟通,减少社会负面影响,使监护人能按照相关法律程序做好事件的救治、调查、取证、鉴定和补偿工作,维持预防接种良好社会氛围。

  • 标签: 疫苗 疑似预防接种异常反应 偶合症 化脓性脑膜炎 严重脓毒症
  • 简介:摘要:为确保广州市花都区农村宅基地和集体建设用地确权登记权籍调查成果的真实、可靠,保障农民的合法利益,规范和统一区农村宅基地和集体建设用地确权登记权籍调查技术标准、技术路线,确保花都区农村宅基地和集体建设用地确权登记权籍调查成果标准化,特制订本技术设计书。

  • 标签: 房地一体 确权登记 发证项目 房地调查 确权
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  • 简介:摘要:土地资源是我国经济发展和城市建设的重要资源,所以要想对土地资源的利用状况,进行全面系统的了解,就必须提高对不动产权籍调查和地籍调查工作的重视。本文就不动产权籍调查与地籍调查关系,展开了详细的分析和研究,旨在探明两者之间存在的异同点,以便为我国土地资源管理工作,奠定坚实的基础。

  • 标签: 不动产权籍调查 地籍调查 关系 土地资源管理
  • 简介:摘要:现代社会发展速度如此快,将不动产登记实施进来非常重要,所以,要将完善的不动产权籍查工作实施进来,使理想化的登记管理效果得以实现。与此同时,为了保证不动产登记的时效性,则要对我国现有登记相关制度管理体系建设进行全面完善,还要将不动产权籍调查工作与地籍调查工作的关系协调,才能使我国不动产登记工作的有效开展得到保证。基于此,本篇文章主要对不动产权籍调查与地籍调查的关系进行探讨和分析。

  • 标签: 不动产权籍调查 地籍调查 关系
  • 简介:摘要:自然资源指在一定的时间和技术条件下,能够产生经济价值,以提高人类当前和未来福利的自然资源因素的总称。在自然资源消耗速度不断加快的背景下,采取合理措施进行综合管理成为各部门重点关注的问题。基于第三次国土调查数据,对自然资源进行合理应用处理,可以提升数据整理结果的整体性,对后续资源利用计划的拟定有积极引导作用。

  • 标签: 第三次国土调查 自然资源 数据资源 空间数据库
  • 简介:摘要:现阶段,社会各行业的发展中都离不开矿产资源的支撑,可以说矿产资源量的多少将直接影响到国家经济的增长速度。然而,为了满足日益扩大的矿产资源需求量,我国在矿产资源的开采方面存在着无序、粗放等操作,这就会在造成巨大资源浪费的同时,为矿山周边的生态环境以及水文地质环境带来严重威胁。基于此,本文将对矿山水文地质调查与矿山地质灾害调查进行详细的分析,希望可以为矿产资源的合理开发与利用提供一定的参考价值。

  • 标签: 矿山 水文地质调查 地质灾害调查
  • 简介:摘要采用文献整理分析、样线调查、走访调查等多种方式收集老挝药用植物物种资源信息,初步获取老挝境内药用植物资源、民间草药使用方法及传统医药知识档案资料,发现老挝野生药用植物资源丰富,有214科1 014属2 165种(含变种),其中蕨类植物29科40属57种,裸子植物8科17属32种,被子植物177科957属2 076种。目前市场流通的药材有108种。老挝有广泛应用草药资源的基础,农贸市场中的一些鲜药具有止咳生津、祛湿、祛暑、滋阴凉血等功效,市场上驱风、壮腰膝类药材具有较好的开发利用前景,应重点加强开发和管理。中国与老挝可在传统用药经验方面深入研究、加强交流。

  • 标签: 药用植物(中药) 资源调查 老挝 医学,传统 国际合作
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