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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)是一种传染性很强的疾病,此病可以通过接触、飞沫等进行传播,是一种对人类危害性很大的疾病。且随着COVID-19疾病的发展,此病潜伏期较长,发病之初部分患者可出现干咳、发热、乏力等症状,部分患者可能无任何症状,为此病的科学诊断制造不小难题。因此,临床上针对COVID-19的准确检测关注度极高,核酸检测是COVID-19诊断应用较为准确的手段之一,探究多重核酸即时检测在COVID-19诊断中的应用价值,可以为COVID-19诊断准确性提升提供技术支持。本文将分析多重核酸即时检测在诊断COVID-19中的应用价值。

  • 标签: 多重核酸即时检测 COVID-19 乏力 发热
  • 简介:摘要目的回顾性分析新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者的临床资料,认识重症COVID-19患者的临床特征,切实指导临床实际工作。方法总结分析2020年1月28日至2020年2月12日于北京佑安医院住院治疗的确诊为COVID-19重型、危重型19名患者的临床资料,包括患者年龄、性别、病程、流行病学史、既往史、临床症状、实验室检查、肺部CT表现、治疗以及临床结局。统计学处理采用SPSS 22.0软件。结果被纳入本研究的19名患者,重型10例、危重型9例;年龄58~94岁,平均75岁;男性10人、女性9人。病程从1~14 d不等,病程中位数5 d。4人有明确的武汉居住史、13人与确诊患者有密切接触者(包括家庭聚会、共餐、同居一室等)、2人无相关的流行病学史。14人患有慢性基础病(其中高血压病11例、冠心病4例、心功能不全4例、慢阻肺3例、陈旧性前壁心梗2例、心律失常3例、心脏瓣膜病1例、糖尿病2例、慢性肾病2例等),4例患者同时合并3种及以上基础病。首发症状主要为发热18例、咳嗽13例、呼吸困难8例。就诊时17例患者伴有淋巴细胞计数低于正常范围,11例有不同程度的肝脏功能异常,10例患者心肌酶谱异常,7名患者不同程度的肾功能损害。18名患者C-反应蛋白升高。12例接受激素治疗,4例接受丙球治疗,无创呼吸机机械通气3例,有创呼吸机协助通气7例。1例患者接受持续血液净化(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)治疗,1例患者接受体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)治疗;截至2020年2月17日,10例患者病情好转,4例患者仍在ICU治疗,5例患者死亡。结论老年人以及合并有慢性基础疾病患者更易发展为重型、危重型病例。淋巴细胞计数降低、C-反应蛋白水平升高、肝肾功能及心肌酶谱异常与重症化相关。激素及呼吸机治疗重症有效。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒 临床特征 新型冠状病毒肺炎 危重症
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To determine the impact of an earthquake during COVID-19 lockdown on fracture admission at a tertiary trauma centre in Croatia.Methods:A case-control study was performed at the tertiary trauma centre registry. Two different periods were studied. The case group included a period during COVID-19 lockdown right after the earthquakes until the end of the confinement period in Croatia. And the control group corresponded to the equivalent period in 2019. We identified all consecutive patients who were admitted due to urgent care requirements for the musculoskeletal trauma. Patient's demographic data and admitting diagnoses were assessed. Data were analyzed by statistical procedures using the program MedCalc statistical software version 16.4.3.Results:We identified 178 emergency admissions due to musculoskeletal trauma. During the COVID-19 lockdown and post-earthquake period, there was a drastic reduction in total admissions (359 vs. 662; p < 0.0001) with an increased proportion of trauma admissions within the emergency admissions (34.9% vs. 26.5%; p = 0.02926, Z = -2.1825). Furthermore, in the case group there was a significant increase in hospital admissions due to ankle/foot trauma (11 vs. 2, p = 0.0126) and a trend towards a decrease in the admissions due to tibia fractures (5 vs. 12, p = 0.0896), however without statistical significance. Also, an increased proportion of women within the group of femoral fractures in both case group (81.6% vs. 52.6%, p = 0.00194, Z= 3.1033) and the control group (82.3% vs. 60.5%, p = 0.0232, Z= 2.2742) was observed. In both analyzed periods, the osteoporotic hip fracture was the most common independent admitting diagnosis.Conclusion:It is crucial to understand how natural disasters like earthquakes influence the pattern of trauma admissions during a coexisting pandemic. Accordingly, healthcare systems have to be prepared for an increased influx of certain pathology, like foot and ankle trauma.

  • 标签: Coronavirus Pandemics Earthquakes Wounds and injuries
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Around the world, controlling the COVID-19 pandemic requires national coordination of multiple intervention strategies. As vaccinations are globally introduced into the repertoire of available interventions, it is important to consider how changes in the local supply of vaccines, including delays in administration, may be addressed through existing policy levers. This study aims to identify the optimal level of interventions for COVID-19 from 2021 to 2022 in the Philippines, which as a developing country is particularly vulnerable to shifting assumptions around vaccine availability. Furthermore, we explore optimal strategies in scenarios featuring delays in vaccine administration, expansions of vaccine supply, and limited combinations of interventions.Methods:Embedding our work within the local policy landscape, we apply optimal control theory to the compartmental model of COVID-19 used by the Philippine government’s pandemic surveillance platform and introduce four controls: (a) precautionary measures like community quarantines, (b) detection of asymptomatic cases, (c) detection of symptomatic cases, and (d) vaccinations. The model is fitted to local data using an L-BFGS minimization procedure. Optimality conditions are identified using Pontryagin’s minimum principle and numerically solved using the forward-backward sweep method.Results:Simulation results indicate that early and effective implementation of both precautionary measures and symptomatic case detection is vital for averting the most infections at an efficient cost, resulting in > 99% reduction of infections compared to the no-control scenario. Expanding vaccine administration capacity to 440,000 full immunizations daily will reduce the overall cost of optimal strategy by 25%, while allowing for a faster relaxation of more resource-intensive interventions. Furthermore, delays in vaccine administration require compensatory increases in the remaining policy levers to maintain a minimal number of infections. For example, delaying the vaccines by 180 days (6 months) will result in an 18% increase in the cost of the optimal strategy.Conclusion:We conclude with practical insights regarding policy priorities particularly attuned to the Philippine context, but also applicable more broadly in similar resource-constrained settings. We emphasize three key takeaways of (a) sustaining efficient case detection, isolation, and treatment strategies; (b) expanding not only vaccine supply but also the capacity to administer them, and; (c) timeliness and consistency in adopting policy measures.

  • 标签: Optimal control COVID-19 pandemic Philippines Non-pharmaceutical interventions Vaccines
  • 简介:AbstractImportance:The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic poses a considerable challenge for pediatricians.Objective:This study aimed to identify the epidemiological characteristics and clinical features of pediatric patients with COVID-19 in China.Methods:This multicenter retrospective study included pediatric patients from 46 hospitals in China, covering 12 provinces and two municipalities. Epidemiological, demographic, clinical, laboratory, treatment, and outcome data were analyzed.Results:In total, 211 pediatric patients with COVID-19 were included in this study. The median age was 7.0 years (range: 22 days to 18 years). Approximately 16.3% of the patients exhibited asymptomatic infections, 23.0% had upper respiratory tract infections, and 60.7% had pneumonia, including two with severe pneumonia and one with critical illness. Approximately 78.7% of the pediatric patients occurred in familial clusters. The most three common symptoms or signs at onset in children with COVID-19 were fever (54.5%), cough (49.3%), and pharyngeal congestion (20.8%). Only 17.6% of the patients presented with decreased lymphocyte count, whereas 13.6% had increased lymphocyte count. Among the patients with pneumonia who exhibited abnormal chest computed tomography findings, 18.2% (23/127) of the patients had no other symptoms. Generally, the chest radiographs showed abnormalities that affected both lungs (49.6%); ground-glass opacity (47.2%) was the most common manifestation. The cure and improvement rates were 86.7% (183/211) and 13.3% (28/211), respectively. Only one patient with an underlying condition received invasive mechanical ventilation; none of the patients died.Interpretation:Similar to adults, children of all age groups are susceptible to COVID-19. Fortunately, most pediatric patients have mild symptoms or remain asymptomatic, despite the high incidence of pneumonia. Decreased proportions of white blood cells and lymphocytes are less frequent in children than in adults.

  • 标签: COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Children
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Healthcare workers (HCWs) were the priority group for influenza vaccination, in China during the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 influenza seasons. However, vaccination rates in HCWs have always been low. This study investigated influenza vaccination status among Chinese HCWs and analyzed the factors driving vaccination.Methods:We provided electronic questionnaires to HCWs from January 27, 2022 to February 21, 2022, using the WeChat platform "Breath Circles". HCWs who received the link could also forward it to their colleagues. Binary logistic regression models were used to analyze vaccination-associated factors among HCWs.Results:Among the 1697 HCWs surveyed, vaccination coverage was 43.7% (741/1697) during the 2020/2021 influenza season, and 35.4% (600/1697) during the 2021/2022 influenza season, as of February 21, 2022. Additionally, 22.7% (385/1697) and 22.1% (358/1697) of HCWs reported that their workplaces implemented a free vaccination policy for all employees during the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 influenza seasons. HCWs who were required to be vaccinated according to hospital regulations, and whose hospitals implemented the free influenza vaccine policy were more likely to be vaccinated (2020/2021 and 2021/2022; P < 0.05). In addition, the economic level of the HCWs' province (2021/2022, P < 0.05) and the HCWs’ knowledge about vaccination and willingness to get vaccinated, such as active learning about vaccines (2020/2021, P < 0.05), supportive attitude toward vaccination for all HCWs (2020/2021 and 2021/2022; P < 0.05), also had an impact on vaccine coverage.Conclusions:A free influenza vaccination policy and workplace required vaccination are effective in improving influenza vaccination coverage among HCWs. Influenza vaccination coverage of Chinese HCWs remained low and showed a downward trend after the COVID-19 outbreak. Further effective measures, such as advocacy campaigns, free vaccine policies, and on-site vaccination could be implemented to improve influenza vaccination coverage.

  • 标签: Influenza Healthcare worker Vaccination Coverage Internet-based survey China
  • 简介:AbstractMaternal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy may impact fetal development via vertical transmission, complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), or placental injury. However, potential associations between prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and fetal loss are not well understood. This case series of thirteen second and third trimester fetal losses reported by local public health departments to California’s state public health surveillance included maternal clinical and demographic characteristics as well as placental pathology, fetal autopsy reports, and coroner report. There was no evidence that maternal COVID-19 disease severity, placental injury, or SARS-CoV-2 vertical transmission contributed to pregnancy loss. However, this case series is a limited sample; more research is needed to identify factors of prenatal SARS-CoV-2 that may contribute to fetal death in the second and third trimesters.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Fetal death Prenatal infection Stillbirth
  • 简介:摘要严重急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS)冠状病毒、中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus,MERS-CoV)及新型冠状病毒等冠状病毒感染肺炎的临床症状、病情进展及病理特征等有许多相似和相同之处,且与M1型巨噬细胞的功能相关。研究认为,肺组织M1巨噬细胞过度活化在CoV肺炎的发生、发展中起关键作用。以M1巨噬细胞为靶点的抗CoV肺炎治疗对于减轻症状、抑制病情进展及降低死亡率具有重要意义。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 巨噬细胞活化综合征
  • 简介:【摘要】 总结 对 COVID-19 感染者进行 平卧位 鼻拭子标本 的 采集 方法 。要点包括:培训专业护理人员、加强个人防护、规范采集方法及流程,采集标本及时安全送检。未发生操作者感染事件。

  • 标签: COVID-19 鼻咽拭子 平卧位
  • 简介:摘要:本文论述了 COVID-19时代下的临床教学方式的变化及应用

  • 标签: COVID-19 临床教学
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:As one of the non-pharmacological interventions to control the transmission of COVID-19, determining the quarantine duration is mainly based on the accurate estimates of the incubation period. However, patients with coarse information of the exposure date, as well as infections other than the symptomatic, were not taken into account in previously published studies. Thus, by using the statistical method dealing with the interval-censored data, we assessed the quarantine duration for both common and uncommon infections. The latter type includes the presymptomatic, the asymptomatic and the recurrent test positive patients.Methods:As of 10 December 2020, information on cases have been collected from the English and Chinese databases, including Pubmed, Google scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) and Wanfang. Official websites and medias were also searched as data sources. All data were transformed into doubly interval-censored and the accelerated failure time model was applied. By estimating the incubation period and the time-to-event distribution of worldwide COVID-19 patients, we obtain the large percentiles for determining and suggesting the quarantine policies. For symptomatic and presymptomatic COVID-19 patients, the incubation time is the duration from exposure to symptom onset. For the asymptomatic, we substitute the date of first positive result of nucleic acid testing for that of symptom onset. Furthermore, the time from hospital discharge or getting negative test result to the positive recurrence has been calculated for recurrent positive patients.Results:A total of 1920 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases were included. Among all uncommon infections, 34.1% (n = 55) of them developed symptoms or were identified beyond fourteen days. Based on all collected cases, the 95th and 99th percentiles were estimated to be 16.2 days (95% CI 15.5-17.0) and 22.9 days (21.7-24.3) respectively. Besides, we got similar estimates based on merely symptomatic and presymptomatic infections as 15.1 days (14.4-15.7) and 21.1 days (20.0-22.2).Conclusions:There are a certain number of infected people who require longer quarantine duration. Our findings well support the current practice of the extended active monitoring. To further prevent possible transmissions induced and facilitated by such infectious outliers after the 14-days quarantine, properly prolonging the quarantine duration could be prudent for high-risk scenarios and in regions with insufficient test resources.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Quarantine duration Incubation period Asymptomatic infections Presymptomatic infection Recurrent positive
  • 简介:AbstractThe outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused more than 80 813 confirmed cases in all provinces of China, and 21 110 cases reported in 93 countries of six continents as of 7 March 2020 since middle December 2019. Due to biological nature of the novel coronavirus, named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) with faster spreading and unknown transmission pattern, it makes us in a difficulty position to contain the disease transmission globally. To date, we have found it is one of the greatest challenges to human beings in fighting against COVID-19 in the history, because SARS-CoV-2 is different from SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV in terms of biological features and transmissibility, and also found the containment strategies including the non-pharmaceutical public health measures implemented in China are effective and successful. In order to prevent a potential pandemic-level outbreak of COVID-19, we, as a community of shared future for mankind, recommend for all international leaders to support preparedness in low and middle income countries especially, take strong global interventions by using old approaches or new tools, mobilize global resources to equip hospital facilities and supplies to protect noisome infections and to provide personal protective tools such as facemask to general population, and quickly initiate research projects on drug and vaccine development. We also recommend for the international community to develop better coordination, cooperation, and strong solidarity in the joint efforts of fighting against COVID-19 spreading recommended by the joint mission report of the WHO-China experts, against violating the International Health Regulation (WHO, 2005), and against stigmatization, in order to eventually win the battle against our common enemy — COVID-19.

  • 标签: COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Pandemic Fighting Preparedness International health regulation Quarantine
  • 简介:摘要目的制定一种在新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)流行易感时期防止病人进行磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)检查时交叉感染的流程与具体措施。材料与方法对医护人员实行二级防护,对未感染病人和疑似、确诊病人实行分类检查,并通过采用固定流程和使用特制口罩、面屏等使患者在幽闭狭小空间中实行MRI检查时的感染风险降到最低,并且不影响检查效果。结果在为期44 d的防控实践中:共计对2710例普通病人进行MRI检查,感染0人;共计对8位疑似患者进行MRI检查,感染0人;参与检查医护人员共22人,感染0人。成功实现零感染的目标。结论该流程及其细节措施具有很大的实用性和可操作性,操作简单、措施方便,适用性和实用性都很强,在本次COVID-19疫情防控中起到很好的作用,并且可在将来不断地对其进行改善以防控类似疫情爆发时的感染风险。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 磁共振成像 感染防控
  • 简介:摘要A 65-year-old man visited a primary care hospital with a continued fever of 38°C for 3 days. As his fever did not improve until 8 days after, he was admitted into another acute care hospital, where his respiratory condition rapidly worsened. Therefore, the patient was transferred to our hospital. On the day of transfer (day 1) he was started on mechanical ventilation. COVID-19 was diagnosed using a polymerase chain reaction assay 6 days after admission (day 6). The rehabilitation therapy was begun on day 6. The initial rehabilitation programs focused on positioning and postural drainage. The patient was extubated on day 19 and he began standing and stepping on the same day. Gait exercises began on day 22, and endurance training was initiated on day 28. The patient was discharged from our hospital on day 34 as he met the physical function milestones. One month after discharge, the Medical Research Council sum score and Barthel Index had each improved; therefore, muscle strength and daily activities had returned to normal. It was assumed that mobilization should be performed as soon as possible after the end of sedation during the acute phase of severe COVID-19 infection in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.

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  • 简介:摘要自2019年12月以来,COVID-19疫情仍在持续,尤其在湖北省现阶段形势依然严峻。儿童感染例数并不少见,如何规范收治患儿,避免院内交叉感染,湖北省儿科医疗质量控制中心和《中华实用儿科临床杂志》编辑委员会组织相关专业专家总结目前工作经验,参考《传染病防治法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》、《COVID-19防控方案》等法律法规文件及相关文献,重点就COVID-19疫情期间儿科病房管理、预防交叉感染、规范医务人员的卫生防护及消毒等方面提出建议。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒 儿童 病房 管理
  • 简介:摘要目的研究样本混合检测对COVID-19诊断的影响,探索最佳的混检方式,为疫情防控和相关方案的制定提供科学依据。方法选取包含不同Ct值的阳性样本与已知阴性样本进行1、2、5、10、20、30、40、50、100人份混合,通过实时荧光RT-PCR法检测混合样本Ct值,分析混检对实验结果的影响,探讨最佳混检方法。结果样本混检后,Ct值依次递增,Ct值<30的阳性样本在100份样本混检时可被检出,Ct值在30~35的的阳性样本在50份混检时无法检出,而Ct值>35的样本在5份混检时无法检出。结论样品混检时宜采用"单采混检"方式,采用不多于5个样本均分体积取样混检,可有效提高检测效率,降低漏检率。

  • 标签: 新型冠状病毒肺炎 核酸检测 样本混检