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500 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractCOVID-19 has been a global health concern since 2019 until date. Global concerted efforts to combat this pandemic has resulted in a number of vaccines distributed across the globe. Although the presence of these vaccines produced quick interventions, dynamic mutation in the causal virus and the continuous evolution of new stains that defy available vaccines has given rise to pertinent questions. The most recent emergence of a new COVID-19 virus variant (omicron), the rapid spread and overwhelming rate of morbidity and mortality has reopened these questions for debate. This commentary summarizes major view on these questions and concludes that multiple approach including social behavioural measures, vaccination and antiviral drug would speed up elimination process.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Mutation Omicron Perspective
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Otolaryngologists are at increased occupational risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection due to exposure from respiratory droplets and aerosols generated during otologic, nasal, and oropharyngeal examinations and procedures. There have been a variety of guidelines and precautions developed to help mitigate this risk. While many reviews have focused on the personal protective equipment (PPE) and preparation guidelines for surgery in the COVID-19 era, none have focused on the more creative and unusual solutions designed to limit viral transmission. This review aims to fill that need.Data Sources:PubMed, Ovid/Medline, and ScopusMethods:A comprehensive review of literature was performed on September 28, 2020 using PubMed, Ovid/Medline, and Scopus databases. All English-language studies were included if they proposed or assessed novel interventions developed for Otolaryngology practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed.Results:A total of 41 papers met inclusion criteria and were organized into 5 categories ('General Recommendations for Otolaryngologic Surgery’, 'Equipment Shortage Solutions’, 'Airway Procedures’, 'Nasal Endoscopy and Skull Base Procedures’, and 'Otologic Procedures’). Articles were summarized, highlighting the innovations created and evaluated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Creative solutions such as application of topical viricidal agents, make-shift mask filters, three-dimensional (3-D) printable adapters for headlights, aerosol containing separation boxes, and a variety of new draping techniques have been developed to limit the risk of COVID-19 transmission.Conclusions:Persistent risk of COVID-19 exposure remains high. Thus, there is an increased need for solutions that mitigate the risk of viral transmission during office procedures and surgeries, especially given that most COVID-19 positive patients present asymptomatically. This review examines and organizes creative solutions that have been proposed and utilized in the otolaryngology. These solutions have a potential to minimize the risk of viral transmission in the current clinical environment and to create safer outpatient and operating room conditions for patients and healthcare staff.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Innovations Inventions Literature Review Otolaryngology
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  • 简介:在攀枝花市东区枣子坪街道枣树坡社区的笑脸墙上,张贴着这样一位好妻子的事迹:她没有豪言壮语,19年来,却以超乎常人的坚韧和善良,不离不弃,默默无闻地照料瘫痪的丈夫,用自己柔弱的身躯撑起了一个家。这成了枣树坡社区中流传的一佳话。故事的主人公,就是原钢城企业总公司退休职工王忠菊。

  • 标签: 钢城企业总公司 攀枝花市 退休职工 枣子坪 主人公 社区
  • 简介:求数列通项公式和数列前n项的求和是高考重点考查的内容,也是考纲明确提出的知识点,年年在考,年年有变,但变的是试题的外壳,即在题设条件上有变化、有变革、有创新,但在这些变中更有不变的主题,即各种问题的解答方法大致可以归纳为平平常常的几种.因此,考生有效地进行化归是正确、准确、迅速解题的前提,而合理地构建方法是成功解题的关键,正确的处理过程是制胜的法宝.

  • 标签: 数列通项公式 题设条件 解答方法 知识点 解题 高考
  • 简介:就算已经走出了迷宫,也不算真正逃离了该处,受困其中的景象仍会萦绕梦境当中,永远无法忘怀。天色越来越昏暗,浓密的乌云就像要压在我头上一样,令人心生郁结。

  • 标签: 中国 当代文学 小说 《侦探之城》
  • 简介:19世纪中期以来,英国煤矿业面临着严重的矿难问题,在矿主、矿工和调查员的推动下,议会通过了一系列法案。这些历经曲折才获通过的法案,内容主要包括煤矿安全、矿区教育和煤炭称量三个方面。法案实行后在诸多方面产生了积极影响,成为该时期煤矿业继续发展不可或缺的前提。

  • 标签: 煤矿管理 煤矿安全 英国法律 19世纪英国
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  • 简介:〖 摘要 〗 目的 探讨临床容易误诊为颈椎病的病种和原因。 方法 分析我院 19 例误诊为颈椎病的病例资料。 结果 本组最后确诊为腕管综合征的 6 例,肘管综合征的 4 例,多灶性运动神经病的 1 例,运动神经原病 2 例,吉兰 -- 巴雷综合征 1 例,肺癌骨转移 1 例,心肌梗塞 1 例,蛛网膜下腔少量出血 1 例,下肢静脉血栓 1 例,强直性脊柱炎 1 例。所有病例开始均误诊为颈椎病,其中 6 例腕管综合征, 4 例肘管综合征, 1 例多灶性运动神经病, 2 例运动神经元病最后通过肌电图检查得以明确诊断, 1 例吉兰 -- 巴雷综合征通过肌电图和腰椎穿刺得以明确诊断, 1 例肺癌骨转移通过上级医院核素扫描得以诊断, 1 例颈肩痛者通过常规心电图诊断为心肌梗塞, 1 例短暂性晕厥,双下肢无力者通过脑 CT 和腰椎穿刺证实为蛛网膜下腔出血, 1 例通过下肢血管彩超证实为下肢静脉血栓, 1 例通过查 HBLA-27 得以诊断为强直性脊柱炎。 结论 颈椎病是临床极为常见的疾病,且颈椎 CT 或颈椎磁共振诊断颈椎病的阳性率极高,故临床很多貌似颈椎病的病例很容易误诊,临床医生需提高警惕。

  • 标签: 〖 〗颈椎病 误诊 肌电图
  • 简介:国务院近日批准,自2011年起,每年的5月19日即《徐霞客游记》开篇日为“中国旅游日”。设立“中国旅游日”,标志着我国旅游业正迈入大众化旅游时代,有利于提高公民的旅游意识,积极促进旅游消费,推动旅游业发展成为战略性支柱产业。

  • 标签: 中国旅游 《徐霞客游记》 旅游业发展 旅游意识 旅游消费 支柱产业
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  • 简介:AbstractWith the number of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases soaring worldwide and limited vaccine availability for the general population in most countries, the monoclonal antibody (mAb) remains a viable therapeutic option to treat COVID-19 disease and its complications, especially in the elderly individuals. More than 50 monoclonal antibody-related clinical trials are being conducted in different countries around the world, with few of them nearing the completion of the third and fourth phase clinical trial. In view of recent emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of casirivimab and imdevimab, it is of importance that mAbs, already used to treat diseases such as Ebola and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, are discussed in scientific communities. This brief review discusses the mechanism of action and updates to clinical trials of different monoclonal antibodies used to treat COVID-19, with special attention paid to SARS-CoV-2 immune response in host cells, target viral structures, and justification of developing mAbs following the approval and administration of potential effective vaccine among vulnerable populations in different countries.

  • 标签: SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Monoclonal antibody mAb Antibody therapy
  • 简介:AbstractThe World Health Organization characterized coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Peritoneal dialysis patients have a weakened immune system that is associated with a high morbidity of infection. Thus, COVID-19 prevention measures and management for patients on peritoneal dialysis are urgent and critical. Based on published research on COVID-19 and previous clinical practices for similar coronavirus outbreaks, we aimed to make recommendations to manage patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.

  • 标签: Peritoneal dialysis Novel coronavirus Coronavirus disease 2019 Pneumonia
  • 简介:目的:了解牙源性皮瘘临床特点,减少误诊。方法总结2011年3月—2014年2月患者的临床资料,对牙源性皮瘘临床特点、误诊、治疗等情况进行分析。结果19例因面部皮损到皮肤科就诊的患者,经口腔科治疗牙病后,皮损均治愈。随访半年无复发。结论牙源性皮瘘患者常因牙齿症状不明显而在皮肤科、外科等诊治,最终被误诊、漏诊。早期正确的诊断和治疗,可使患者避免服用不必要的抗生素及手术治疗。本病应与多种皮肤病相鉴别,接诊时应详细询问病史。

  • 标签: 皮瘘 牙源性 临床分析
  • 简介:AbstractThe ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has put a strain on health systems globally. Although Africa is the least affected region to date, it has the weakest health systems and an exponential rise in cases as has been observed in other regions, is bound to overwhelm its health systems. Early detection and isolation of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases are pivotal to the prevention and control of the pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all laboratory-confirmed cases should be isolated and treated in a health care facility; however, where this is not possible due to the health system capacity, patients can be isolated in re-purposed facilities or at home. An already very apparent future challenge for Africa is facility-based isolation of COVID-19 cases, given the already limited health infrastructure and health workforce, and the risk of nosocomial transmission. Use of repurposed facilities requires additional resources, including health workers. Home isolation, on the other hand, would be a challenge given the poor housing, overcrowding, inadequate access to water and sanitation, and stigma related to infectious disease that is prevalent in many African societies. Conflict settings on the continent pose an additional challenge to the prevention and control of COVID-19 with the resultant population displacements in overcrowded camps where access to social services is limited. These unique cultural, social, economic and developmental differences on the continent, call for a tailored approach to COVID-19 case management strategies. This article proposes three broad case management strategies based on the transmission scenarios defined by WHO, and the criteria and package of care for each option, for consideration by policy makers and governments in African countries. Moving forward, African countries should generate local evidence to guide the development of realistic home-grown strategies, protocol and equipment for the management of COVID-19 cases on the continent.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Case management Strategies Africa
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  • 简介:中国税务学会会长钱冠林在“一带一路”税收服务报告会上表示,针对企业“走出去”可能遇到的风险,中国政府各部门和社会各方面提出了一些应对措施,税务部门积极推进国别税收信息研究,目前已经公开发布了19份国别投资税收指南,方便“走出去”的企业了解投资地所在国的税收政策,防范税收风险。

  • 标签: 税收服务 投资 国别 指南 “走出去” 中国税务学会
  • 简介:1.根据首字母或中文提示填写所缺的单词。1.Haveyouhadanyp——careerexperience?

  • 标签: 重点词语 练习 中文
  • 简介:摘要目的讨论研究临床上牙源性上颌窦病变的主要诊断和治疗方法,为今后临床上治疗牙源性上颌窦病变提供参考和指导。方法将从2011年4月至2013年5月在我院治疗的牙源性上颌窦病变的患者进行回顾性分析,其中13例单侧牙源性上颌窦囊肿,6例单侧牙源性上颌窦炎,了解患者在鼻内镜结合上颌前庭沟小切口入路术后治疗效果。结果19例患者在术后治疗效果良好,症状基本消除。结论对于牙源性上颌窦病变的患者在运用手术治疗后可明显提高治疗效果,并且手术操作简单,创伤小,患者恢复快,在临床值得推广使用。

  • 标签: 牙源性 上颌窦病变 分析
  • 简介:摘要19世纪的一大特点是文学与音乐的紧密结合,浪漫主义的影响最易渗入到音乐领域。歌剧作为音乐领域里文学结合最紧密的体裁,又成为浪漫主义文学的最快反映者和最大受益者。随着意大利正歌剧的衰亡,19世纪欧洲的歌剧开始进入大歌剧和喜歌剧时代。本文简要概括19世纪上半叶德奥、法国的歌剧发展特点并详细介绍这一时期意大利歌剧界的三位代表人物及其作品。

  • 标签: 歌剧 大歌剧 喜歌剧 创作特征